New Roots

Empowering entrepreneurs from underserved communities to overcome systemic barriers.

Explore how New Roots supports diverse individuals in turning their ideas into thriving businesses, fostering success for those from Black, Asian, Mixed, or minority ethnic backgrounds.

Sowing seeds of change

New Roots is a collaboration between Impact Hub and GoDaddy’s Empower programme, an initiative focused on creating a positive social impact by providing entrepreneurs in marginalised communities with the necessary training, tools, and resources to thrive. 


Since its inception in 2017, the programme has expanded its reach to 43 cities in the United States and Europe, forging partnerships to empower entrepreneurs worldwide and foster inclusive opportunities for everyone.


In partnership with Impact Hub London and Impact Hub Munich, New Roots set out to support people from the BAME background to overcome barriers and in particular to increase, through capacity building, essential knowledge and skills for successful entrepreneurs, boost their confidence and awareness of entrepreneurship as a career path, and to improve access to a network of like-minded individuals.

Impact Hub London: Refining and enhancing the entrepreneurial journey

Building on the experience from previous iterations, Impact Hub London engaged with community-based organisations to ensure recruitment of participants reached the intended target. 


After the selection process, 20 participants were taken through a blended learning experience that began with an online combination of a pre-incubation learning program and fortnightly peer-to-peer sessions. The online format meant that participants could adapt their learning experience more easily with family, work, and education duties. During this phase participants increased their knowledge for the early stage development of their business idea. A highlight of the programme was that two alumni joined a panel event to share their experiences. 


Mentoring was again a key aspect of the programme and provided highly valued personalised support. Once participants were matched with their mentors they carried out a joint goal-setting exercise that guided their six months journey together. Some of the entrepreneurs are still in contact with their mentors after the end of the programme and are still completing the support cycle. Participants were also given a membership to Impact Hub London, so that they could continue creating connections with their peers.


The final phase of the programme included four capacity building workshops, peer-to-peer sessions on financing and pitching and two events that provided the entrepreneurs with an opportunity to showcase their business ideas.

Impact Hub Munich: Supporting women to re-enter the economy

Within the highly privileged context of Munich with its comparatively well-developed entrepreneurial ecosystem, people from more marginalised groups are overlooked and are not provided with support tailored to their needs, background and personal situation.


Among the many systemic barriers, women continue to bear a higher caretaking responsibility and hold less power in the household and tend to perceive entrepreneurship as a risky activity. Women with a migration background or low socio-economic status face additional barriers, which end up pushing them even further into social vulnerability and marginalisation.


New Roots has been warmly welcomed for its role in introducing entrepreneurship as a viable avenue, equipping participants with the knowledge and confidence required to seize entrepreneurial opportunities. Additionally, it fosters a supportive community of individuals facing similar challenges, further enhancing its appeal.


The childcare that was provided for in-person workshops at Impact Hub Munich was also highly appreciated by mothers with young children. For the women entrepreneurs in Munich, New Roots has motivated them to believe in their own ideas and brought them a network of like-minded persons with similar issues.

Programme outcomes


Participants from Impact Hub London and Impact Hub Munich took part in strengthening their entrepreneurial skills.

50 %

Respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that they were now clear about the next phases of their entrepreneurial journey.

60 %

Respondents expressed that they possess a deep understanding of business models and feel confident
in their ability to refine a project idea.

1 %

Respondents reported being either satisfied or very satisfied with their access to peers and mentors.

60 %

Participants graduated with confidence that the programme has supported them in increasing their leadership skills.

70 %

Respondents highly valued the programme’s impact and would recommend it to others.

"By working with diverse founders, the New Roots Programme has been able to provide support, mentorship and introduced us to a wide community, which we wouldn’t have had access to otherwise. I am extremely grateful to the New Roots Programme team, GoDaddy, and Impact Hub London."

Bejesholo Aikhomun
New Roots Programme 3.0 participant Impact Hub London

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