Impact Hub Vienna: journey towards a greener Austria

Boldly leading the charge in the landscape of climate action is Climate Lab. Founded by Impact Hub Vienna in 2022, it has swiftly become a beacon of innovation and collaboration, steering Austria towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Impact Hub Odesa: nurturing hope in post-war Ukraine

Amidst the turmoil in Ukraine, the Green Theatre Volunteer Camp in partnership with Impact Hub Odesa stood as a beacon of resilience and hope. In the face of adversity, they embarked on a courageous mission, to launch the Social Camp Odesa 2023. Read the full story to find out about this remarkable initiative.

Empreendedorismo 5.0: supporting seniors entrepreneurship in Portugal

Launched in 2020 by Instituto Pedro Nunes and inspired by successful European models, Empreendedorismo 5.0 is revolutionising the landscape for seniors in Portugal seeking entrepreneurial opportunities. In collaboration with Impact Hub and Better Incubation, this initiative supports seniors through a training and mentoring programme, providing essential tools and support for entrepreneurial success.

Unlocking the entrepreneurial potential of people with disabilities

In collaboration with ESADE Business School, the Aula de Emprendimiento programme by Fundación Prevent tackles the challenges encountered by individuals with disabilities in entrepreneurship. This comprehensive approach has been recognised by Impact Hub as a best practice for replication in fostering the inclusion of people with disabilities in the sector.

Pedaling towards empowerment and inclusivity

Hop On, a pioneering British Pakistani female-led non-profit organisation, is challenging gender norms and fostering empowerment in South Asian communities through its weekly cycling groups in Bradford, England. The organisation’s participation in Impact Hub Bradford’s programmes has been instrumental in magnifying Hop On’s impact by offering valuable support and resources to address the unique challenges faced by the community.

3 Impact ventures working for the future of the oceans

Navigating change, social enterprises shine as beacons of hope, igniting global impact. With innovation, collaboration, and courage, they lead towards a revitalised ocean environment. Discover their inspiring stories of transformation.

Pioneering net zero | Impact Hubs taking action worldwide

Impact Hub Leipzig team sitting on a patio together

Picture this: a group of entrepreneurs sitting around a table, brainstorming ideas to solve the world’s most pressing issues. Inevitably, the conversation turns to climate change, and the group realises that they have the power to make a real impact – here, now, and at scale. This realisation has been the driving force behind Impact Hub Network’s work for over 15 years, and today, we’re more committed than ever to taking serious climate action.

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