Three decades of impact: Sair da Casca's journey to sustainability

Since its inception in 1994, Sair da Casca has been at the forefront of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development in Portugal. As the first consulting firm in the country to specialise in these areas, Sair da Casca offers comprehensive analyses and innovative strategies to help businesses navigate their societal impact. Recently joining Impact Hub Lisbon in 2024, Sair da Casca continues to lead by example, fostering collaboration and driving positive change within the community.

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Sair da Casca‘s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility has left a lasting impact on local communities over the years. By analysing businesses from both internal and external perspectives, they provide invaluable insights into the company’s impact on society and identify areas for improvement.

As the first company to join the newest unit of Impact Hub Lisbon, Impact Hub Penha de França, Sair da Casca has found a collaborative space that aligns with its values and mission. With a diverse team of 22 employees, predominantly women, Sair da Casca adds valuable expertise and perspective to the Impact Hub community. Their presence enriches the community’s collective efforts towards creating a more sustainable and socially conscious business environment.


Within Impact Hub Lisbon, Sair da Casca actively participates in co-managing working groups with major business associations in Portugal. By engaging in these collaborative initiatives, they contribute to driving systemic change and advancing sustainability practices across various industries. Through their leadership and expertise, Sair da Casca inspires and empowers fellow members of the Impact Hub community to embrace sustainability and social responsibility in their own endeavours.


This article was presented in collaboration with Impact Hub Lisbon.

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