Environmental Champions: Restoring Colombia's ecosystems and empowering communities

Impact Hub Medellín proudly supports innovative social enterprises committed to environmental sustainability and community empowerment. Among their distinguished members are Amazonía Emprende and Samaná, two enterprises that exemplify their mission. These organisations focus on forest conservation and ecosystem restoration in Colombia, each bringing unique solutions to pressing environmental challenges.

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Amazonía Emprende: Rescuing Biodiversity for Ecosystem Restoration

Amazonía Emprende is a Native Seed Center dedicated to rescuing the biodiversity of native forest species and generating plant material for ecosystem restoration processes in Colombia. 


The impact of Amazonía Emprende lies in its collaborative efforts with local communities to add value to seed trees in the forests. These seeds are crucial for restoring nearly 3 million hectares of deforested land in the Amazon. By engaging communities in the conservation process, Amazonía Emprende not only aids in ecosystem restoration but also promotes sustainable livelihoods. Julio’s work has earned him accolades as a Top Innovator by the World Economic Forum in 2021 and a LinkedIn Top Voice in 2022, reflecting his influence and dedication to environmental causes.

Samaná: Forest Conservation through Beekeeping

Samaná is a pioneering enterprise focused on forest conservation through beekeeping. The organisation works across four distinct forest ecosystems in Colombia, promoting their preservation through sustainable beekeeping practices. Samaná aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to fair trade and ecosystem protection by purchasing honey from rural communities and indigenous beekeepers. The honey is then processed, packaged, and marketed to end customers, with innovative products like infused honey.


Samaná collaborates with three forest conservation foundations and supports 80 families of farmers and indigenous beekeepers, managing over 400 beehives. Their efforts contribute to the conservation of more than 700 hectares of forests in Colombia. By integrating beekeeping with forest conservation, Samaná not only helps preserve vital ecosystems but also provides economic opportunities for local communities, fostering a sustainable and equitable approach to environmental stewardship.


Amazonía Emprende and Samaná exemplify the transformative power of innovative environmental initiatives supported by Impact Hub Medellín. Through their dedication to biodiversity, forest conservation, and community empowerment, these organisations are making a profound impact on Colombia’s ecosystems and the livelihoods of its people. By promoting sustainable practices and fostering collaboration, they offer inspiring models of how social enterprises can drive positive change in both local and global contexts.


This article was presented in collaboration with Impact Hub Medellín.

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