Pearl Jars: Crafting sustainable solutions in Lisbon's entrepreneurial hub

Lukas Boettger, Director of Pearl Jars, has found a home for his innovative lifestyle brand within the vibrant community of Impact Hub Lisbon. Since joining in 2020, Lukas has spearheaded Pearl Jars’ mission to deliver healthy and eco-friendly packaging solutions for everyday household products. Through collaboration and dedication to sustainability, Pearl Jars has become a beacon of innovation in Lisbon’s entrepreneurial landscape.

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At Pearl Jars, the vision is simple yet powerful: to create versatile and innovative products that offer new solutions for packaging while promoting healthy living and sustainability. Lukas, along with a team of packaging specialists, has rethought traditional glassware products to create innovations that not only look different but also offer clear functional advantages. Their commitment to healthy living and sustainability has become the guiding principles for Pearl’s future, driving their impact in local communities.

Lukas’ journey with Impact Hub Lisbon began four years ago when he sought a private office to expand his team and business. More than just a workspace, Lukas aspired to be part of a dynamic community that fosters connections and enriches the social lives of his team members. Starting with just three employees in a private office designed for four, Pearl Jars has since doubled both its team size and office capacity. Lukas attributes much of this growth and success to the supportive environment provided by Impact Hub Lisbon.

According to Lukas, being a member of Impact Hub adds tremendous value to his employees’ experience. They benefit from a work environment that encourages collaboration, networking, and personal development. Engaging in activities and events hosted by Impact Hub enriches their social lives and creates a positive dynamic within the Pearl team. As a result, Pearl Jars continues to thrive, not only as a business but also as a community-driven initiative making a positive impact in Lisbon and beyond.


This article was presented in collaboration with Impact Hub Lisbon.

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