Instituto +58: Empowering Venezuelan immigrants in Brasília

Instituto +58 is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the socio-economic and cultural integration of vulnerable Venezuelan refugees in Brasília, Brazil. By focusing on labour insertion and sociocultural support, Instituto +58 empowers Venezuelan immigrants, providing them with the tools for a self-sufficient life. Their comprehensive assistance includes legal documentation, healthcare access, social support, and skill-building programmes. Collaborating with Impact Hub and other partners, Instituto +58 is committed to safeguarding human rights and fostering resilience among the immigrant community.

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Instituto +58 is at the forefront of a compassionate mission, championing the socio-economic and cultural integration of vulnerable Venezuelan refugees in Brasília, Brazil. The organisation’s commitment is to streamline and enhance the integration process for Venezuelan migrants, who, in pursuit of a brighter future, have turned to Brazil as a sanctuary from the turmoil in their homeland.


Central to their mission are two pivotal pillars: labour insertion and sociocultural integration. Through these initiatives, Instituto +58 empowers Venezuelan immigrants, equipping them with the tools for a self-sufficient life. They provide comprehensive assistance in securing legal documentation, ensuring access to healthcare services, and guiding vulnerable groups.


Beyond these essentials, Instituto +58 extends a helping hand through social assistance, legal aid, support for small Venezuelan entrepreneurs, skill-building programmes, and steadfast support in navigating the formal job market. Their efforts are tailored to foster resilience, cultivate skills, and unlock opportunities for those they serve. Their collaborative spirit is the cornerstone of their success, as they join forces with a diverse array of partners, including governmental agencies, NGOs, private sector allies, and international advocates. Together, they are united by a shared dedication to safeguarding human rights.


Impact Hub Brasília plays a crucial role in supporting Instituto +58’s initiatives by providing networking opportunities, resources, and expertise. Through this collaboration, Instituto +58 can expand its reach and amplify its impact in supporting Venezuelan immigrants. These collaborative efforts promote democratic values and human rights awareness among the immigrant community.

However, Instituto +58 faces several challenges, including limited resources and funding constraints, which have posed difficulties in scaling up operations and reaching a larger number of immigrants. Language and cultural barriers have sometimes hindered effective communication and integration efforts. Additionally, socio-political instability in both Venezuela and Brazil has created further complexities in addressing the needs of Venezuelan immigrants.


Looking ahead, Instituto +58 plans to expand and diversify its support services to meet the evolving needs of Venezuelan immigrants. They aim to strengthen partnerships with governmental agencies, NGOs, and private companies to enhance collaboration and resource-sharing. The organisation remains dedicated to advocating for the rights and dignity of Venezuelan immigrants and promoting social inclusion and cohesion within Brazilian society.


Instituto +58 exemplifies a successful integration of social and humanitarian goals within a structured framework. By addressing the dual needs of socio-economic and cultural integration, they foster a symbiotic relationship that promotes growth and inclusivity. Their journey inspires us to support and advocate for the rights and well-being of immigrants in our communities.

Join Instituto +58 in their mission to support Venezuelan immigrants in Brasília. Whether through volunteering, donations, or advocacy, your involvement can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. They are currently seeking Spanish-speaking psychologists to provide mental support to families in their native language.

Together, let’s build a brighter future for all members of our community.


This article was presented in collaboration with Impact Hub Brasília

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