Footprints Africa: paving the way for sustainable businesses in Africa

Footprints Africa is on a mission to advance sustainable, scalable, and inclusive approaches to developing local African economies. The venture supports SMEs to adopt future-friendly practices, address the challenges of growth, and create jobs, using supply chains as a tool for development.

Impact Hub Zagreb: microentrepreneur support for Fierce Women Society

The launch of the Fierce Women Society is a collaborative initiative by K-zone and Impact Hub Zagreb, aimed at providing comprehensive support for micro-entrepreneurs of all genders. The partnership integrates the STARTER and ZALET programmes, focusing on training, mentoring, and personalised support to empower individuals, stimulate economic growth, and create resilient communities.

Circularity in action: social entrepreneurship in London

Masha Guyard and Alexander Rose, both graduates of the Circular Start-up programme by Impact Hub London supported by JPMorgan Chase, exemplify the transformative potential of circular solutions in addressing pressing social issues.

Circularity in action: inspiring initiatives from Rwanda

Two visionary entrepreneurs in Rwanda, Umuziranenge Blandine of Kosmotive and Planté Josué Niyomugenga of Aflimba, are leading the way in promoting circular economy principles. Through innovative initiatives in the health and fashion industries, they extend product lifecycles, reduce waste, and optimise resource usage.

Circularity in action: innovations from China

Pioneers in the circular economy field in China, Wenjing Zhao and Stéphane Vernede have created new models of products and services that are being mainstreamed by major companies. They demonstrate a dedication to reducing waste, maximising resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable practices. Together they pave the way for a more environmentally conscious world.

Circularity in action: sustainable innovations in Amsterdam

Reflower and Dik & Schil emerge as two pioneering businesses in Amsterdam to advance the circular economy through innovative solutions. Their steadfast dedication to circular principles is evident in their disruptive approach to the industry, where they actively reduce waste and ingeniously repurpose materials to infuse new life into their products.

Circularity in action: awakening Ghana’s circular economy

Sabon Sake and the OR Foundation, two dynamic enterprises based in Ghana, are united by a common vision to revolutionise the Ghanaian economy into a pioneering leader in the circular economy. To amplify the impact of such innovative initiatives, Impact Hub Accra plays a pivotal role by harnessing the power of innovation generated by startups within its vibrant community.

Momentum: empowering young migrant and refugee women

The Momentum project empowers young migrant and refugee women in the EU through innovative training programmes and collaborative initiatives. With a focus on advancing their integration into the workforce, Momentum is driving tangible social change, creating a more inclusive future for third-country national women.

Circularity Tales: from organic waste to alternative proteins

AgriLife, a Tanzania-based venture established in 2021, is on a mission to revolutionise sustainability by transforming organic waste into a valuable resource. By using black soldier fly larvae to produce eco-friendly protein for poultry and organic fertiliser for crops, AgriLife is tackling environmental issues associated with traditional livestock feed. With support from Impact Hub Dar es Salaam, AgriLife successfully incorporated circular principles into their business.

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