Ardook's mission to transform lives through sustainable employment for single mothers

Ardook, founded by Shogher Atanesyan, is an Armenia-based social enterprise dedicated to providing sustainable income to single mothers caring for disabled children by offering flexible employment opportunities through laundry services. Ardook has quickly made an impact by empowering these mothers with jobs that allow them to balance work with caregiving responsibilities.

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Ardook, an inspiring social enterprise founded by Shogher Atanesyan, aims to empower single mothers caring for disabled children by providing them with flexible employment opportunities in the laundry service industry. Based in Armenia, Ardook employs these mothers to work from home, enabling them to balance their caregiving responsibilities with their jobs. The enterprise focuses on residential and commercial laundry services, training its employees in industry-standard washing, drying, and ironing techniques.


Ardook’s employees, all single mothers, care for children with severe disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, and blindness. By offering them employment, Ardook provides a much-needed source of income, averaging $200 per month per mother—higher than Armenia’s minimum wage of $170. This income is crucial for their financial stability and helps them improve their quality of life.

Serving both B2B and B2C customers, Ardook caters to busy individuals struggling with household chores and businesses like restaurants, hotels, and Airbnb rental apartments. Each customer is assigned to a specific mother, ensuring personalised and timely service. Couriers then return the cleaned and ironed items to the customers.


Ardook’s social impact is significant, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Beyond providing income, it fosters a sense of community among the mothers, helping them overcome isolation. The company also promotes eco-friendly practices, using recycled plastic hangers and woven bags for deliveries, advancing two UN Sustainable Development Goals: reducing inequalities and promoting decent work and economic growth.

Ardook’s innovative model has received international recognition, winning the Social Impact Idea and Creative Spark awards from the British Council in Armenia. Nurtured within the supportive environment of Impact Hub Yerevan, Ardook evolved from an idea into a mature company, thanks to the invaluable guidance of dedicated mentors.


Shogher Atanesyan’s journey with Ardook highlights a commitment to creating meaningful, sustainable change. By empowering single mothers and embracing eco-friendly practices, Ardook sets a benchmark for social enterprises aiming to uplift vulnerable communities.


This article was presented in collaboration with Impact Hub Yerevan

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