AMADPOC: Pioneering migration research and policy dialogue in sub-Saharan Africa

AMADPOC is an independent research consulting firm dedicated to assisting governments and other migration stakeholders in understanding migration dynamics through research. Their work informs policy processes and identifies innovative solutions to address key migration issues while capitalising on the developmental potential of migration in sub-Saharan Africa.

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The African Migration and Development Policy Centre (AMADPOC) plays a pivotal role in the landscape of migration research and policy dialogue in sub-Saharan Africa. As an independent research consulting firm, AMADPOC assists governments and other migration stakeholders in comprehending the complexities of migration dynamics through thorough research and analysis. Their efforts are directed towards informing policy processes and identifying innovative solutions to address critical migration issues while harnessing the developmental potential inherent in migration.


Despite being a relatively small entity in the vast sea of local and international research agencies and think tanks, AMADPOC, a proud member of Impact Hub Nairobi, has made significant strides in influencing policy discussions on migration issues at various levels. Their impactful research outputs, such as the Migration Profile of Kenya 2015, have been instrumental in helping the Kenyan government identify their migration interests and focus areas. This profile also strengthened engagements across ministries, departments, agencies, and non-state actors, showcasing AMADPOC’s ability to foster comprehensive collaboration among diverse stakeholders.


AMADPOC is also committed to nurturing the next generation of researchers. They provide training for early career researchers working on migration issues in the East and Horn of Africa, thereby contributing to the development of local expertise. By collaborating and engaging with local experts across Africa, AMADPOC ensures that their research is contextually relevant and effectively addresses the specific migration challenges faced by various communities.

In addition to their research and policy work, AMADPOC actively trains local communities on migration dynamics. They empower these communities with knowledge about the role and impact of migration, ensuring that the voices and experiences of migrants are amplified. This approach not only informs the design of policies and frameworks adopted by key state actors but also ensures that these policies are grounded in the lived realities of migrants.


AMADPOC’s influence extends beyond national borders, supporting regional and continental research activities with a particular focus on labour migration. By helping governments understand the importance of the free movement of labour and its significant impact on economic and social development, AMADPOC underscores the critical role of migration in driving development. Their continuous dialogue and expertise shared across African countries on various migration matters have established AMADPOC as a vital voice in the migration and development space.


Through their dedicated efforts, AMADPOC continues to contribute to a deeper understanding of migration dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa. Their work not only informs policy but also drives the development of innovative solutions that capitalise on the developmental potential of migration, ensuring that migration becomes a catalyst for positive change in the region.


This article was presented in collaboration with Impact Hub Nairobi.

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