Co-working Spaces for Social Innovation | Study on good practices

This publication is the result of a 16-month-long mapping exercise covering nine countries in the European Union. It presents 19 carefully selected practices mapped among the coworking spaces, focusing on boosting social entrepreneurship and positively impacting local communities.

Sustain Impact | Donor practices to grow Enterprise Support Organisations

This report dives into the growth trajectories of Enterprise Support Organizations (ESOs) and underscores the crucial role that donors can play in bolstering them. It’s a treasure trove of lessons on what fuels or hampers ESO growth, brimming with practical recommendations for donors to maximise their funding for sustained, far-reaching impact.

Ներդնելով շրջանաձեւություն

Գործիքակազմ ինկուբատորների եւ աքսելերատորիների համար.

This is the Armenian version of the Embedding Circularity toolkit. Add a Circular Economy lens to your mission, operations, and support initiatives. Download this comprehensive toolkit to (re)think, (re)design, and (re)build businesses and programmes for a just, sustainable society.

Integrar la circularidad

Un kit de herramientas para incubadoras y aceleradoras.

This is the Spanish version of the Embedding Circularity toolkit. Add a Circular Economy lens to your mission, operations, and support initiatives. Download this comprehensive toolkit to (re)think, (re)design, and (re)build businesses and programmes for a just, sustainable society.

Adotando a Circularidade

Guia para incubadoras e aceleradoras.

This is the Portuguese version of the Embedding Circularity toolkit. Add a Circular Economy lens to your mission, operations, and support initiatives. Download this comprehensive toolkit to (re)think, (re)design, and (re)build businesses and programmes for a just, sustainable society.

Intégration de la circularité

Boîte à outils pour les incubateurs et les accélérateurs.

This is the French version of the Embedding Circularity toolkit. Add a Circular Economy lens to your mission, operations, and support initiatives. Download this comprehensive toolkit to (re)think, (re)design, and (re)build businesses and programmes for a just, sustainable society.

Impact Report 22-23

Discover our impactful Impact Report 2023, celebrating global Impact Makers driving change for a just and sustainable society. With strength and tenacity, our community thrived, expanding to 110+ cities and 60+ countries. Join 320k+ impact entrepreneurs co-creating a caring economy for our people and planet.

Accelerators as Drivers of Gender Equality

Discover our guide addressing the gender gap in accelerator programmes. With just 13% of applicants being women-led teams, we tackle challenges hindering women entrepreneurs. From low-growth industries to limited capital, find practical solutions to make support more accessible and promote gender equality.

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Sign up to access our free guide on inclusive communication and unlock valuable insights, opportunities, and monthly inspiring updates delivered straight to your inbox.

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Sign up to access our free guide on inclusive communication and unlock valuable insights, opportunities, and monthly inspiring updates delivered straight to your inbox.

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